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  • Writer's pictureChristine Collister

Blogpost No 8 August 2024

I have very sad news to report this month. I’m sorry to say that Sweep, Dad’s, then Mum’s (and mine and Bob’s by default) lovely black and white Border Collie, became very ill (he was recently diagnosed with a heart condition) and died last Friday (23/08/24).

He came into our lives at the beginning of 2017. Dad had deeply mourned the loss of his last dog Peter, who’d made it through to 16 years old. Dad was devastated and couldn’t think about another dog. He was persuaded to adopt about 18 months later and Sweep took up the space in his heart that so needed filling up. Sweep did it completely! We were told Sweep didn’t take to men very well as he’d been beaten badly (how does that even happen?!!) and that he was calmer around women. Turns out that Dad made him feel totally loved almost straight away and he was the only person Sweep felt safe with. It was a lovely development in what turned out to be Dad’s last year. I’m so grateful Dad had that unconditional loving relationship to his end. He loved animals so much. And Sweep reciprocated beautifully.

Once Dad had passed, Sweep became Mum’s constant companion and as Bob and I became Mum’s carer’s it became our joy to walk, feed and have fun with Sweep. He was a balm.  I can’t begin to tell you how delightful he made me feel! I regularly got out of bed at 6am in order to walk him before I got in the sea. Without fail he made me smile. Even in wet and windy weather, which is a fairly regular occurrence here on the tiny isle! I loved him. And he came to love me. But it took time.

I wrote about how our lovely neighbour Jill offered to look after Sweep when we travelled to Australia earlier this year. When we got back she blurted out: “Can I keep him?!” She already had two dogs, one of them, Connie, is a smaller version of Sweep and he absolutely adored her! He spent most of his time chasing her, chasing a ball. We couldn’t have been happier for him. He had an idyllic six months as part of Jill’s amazing menagerie (3 dogs, 3 sheep, 2 Shetland ponies and a horse!). I walked him several times in the last few months and each time relished that spontaneous smile he provoked. I had the most wonderful cuddle with him the day before he left us. I hope you appreciate the video I’ve put together in honour of Sweep. I’ve used the demo (imperfect!) version of So Brave which I wrote about my Dad and has the line: “I walk the dog and sit beside you ..”

Bob, at Jill’s request, dug a grave for him on Saturday (24/08/24). He said the act was full of love and very cathartic for both him and Jill and that Sweep just looked peaceful and at rest. A little while later I planted a pear tree next to him, one I’d grown from a pip. It seemed appropriate. I sang and said a few words of gratitude and love. Pets are precious, even when they come into your life unexpectedly. Rest easy now Sweep … have fun with Mum, Dad and Peter. We miss you.

There was one bright moment the first weekend of August when I was invited to sing at a local charity concert in Sulby. My lovely friend Judith Ley does a show every year to raise funds for the local parish’s community work. I offered to do an abridged version Of Children Of The Sea. Also on stage were the superb (award winning!) Lon Vane ladies Choir. The whole event was a delight. A great reminder that I love performing live. It bodes well for November.

The rest of the month is a blur. There are so many changes afoot yet so little outer movement. Plans are forming and there’s the small matter of a tour in November. All in good time. Right now is a strange, formless, liminal space. I’ve lost my mojo somewhat. To be expected of course but it’s uncomfortable and exhausting at times. I feel unable to make it any different, so I’m rolling with it. This too shall pass. Your kind thoughts are always appreciated. Thank you.

The greenhouse is still being generous and supportive. I love it in there. Dipping in the sea is still very much a life affirming practice with the added joys of a sauna most Fridays making it all the more rich and enlivening which I need right now, more than usual. All is well all shall be well.

I will be back with a bit more verve next month. Promise. There are many things to do before shows start in November and though that’s still a ways off … it will come round super-quick! Tickets are on sale everywhere now … please check out the tour dates. I’d love to see you. I’ll be posting a few more behind the scenes videos soon and brushing up on songs to sing in the second half of each show.  All in good time.

Oh I almost forgot ... the most exciting news of August is that Children Of The Sea is finally available at Waterstones Douglas IOM! I'm thrilled!

Till next time, stay well and keep rising above the turbulence … it can be a little bumpy but we'll get there in the end.

Sending you all much love as always.

Christine x

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  • Writer's pictureChristine Collister

Blogpost No7 July 2024

Ola sweet Blog reader. It feels an age since we last chatted. I am a little late bringing this particular meandering muse to completion, as life has been a bit of a rollercoaster of late.

First of all, I started typing this from our lovely friend’s black windmill (you read that right!) near Newark (I finished it back on the tiny isle a few days later). Bob and I left the island for a gorgeous wedding in Plumtree near Nottingham, July 18th. The wedding was on July 20th and it was absolutely wonderful. We stopped on the way, to a church and I felt moved to sing:

Perhaps I should backtrack a little to give myself a full run-up to now.

Last time we spoke it was June and the greenhouse was starting to really blossom. The thought of fresh, crisp cucumbers was making my mouth water. A few weeks later they more than met my expectations. They were delightfully crunchy and delicious. I’m hoping that my Greenhouse Water fairies (you know who you are!) have taken a good scutch of them home to enjoy in my absence. As we left the island, a swathe of strawberries was just starting to blush - I had shut the thought of enjoying them myself, clear out of my mind. I know my gorgeous, giggly, great-niece Addy has been doing a great job of harvesting (eating;-) them. Thanks Addy.

On July 5th the whole island celebrated Tynwald Day when we have fun lauding our ancient parliament (Tynwald) which was created by the Vikings more than a millennium ago. There are craft fairs and lots of music, dancing and beer drinking! My lovely friend Claire, who has two pieces of art in Children Of The Sea (Lift The Veil and Dear Sister) suggested I bring copies to the Artful Dodger's stall at the main gathering next to Tynwald Hill. It was a great idea and I was pleasantly surprised about the genuine and excited interest in the book/CD. Thanks Claire :-)

The Power Of Three Retreat Day on July  14th was full to capacity and a hugely successful experience. We’re planning another towards the end of October. I’ll fill you in on the details once we’ve organised ourselves properly. Until then, here are a few pics from the day:

Major events of the past month mostly had to do with organising those things that need attending to after Mum’s passing. For the most part, they're tedious, but apparently, necessary protocols. We're getting on with it but sometimes it's achingly slow. Perhaps I should say I'm achingly slow doing it! It took me ages to clear out her bedroom and parcel up those things to keep, give away or take to charity shops. In the end, after dithering for several weeks, I did it all in a day. It was a strange process but cathartic and moving all at once. Obviously, these things take time.

All of this means there are BIG changes ahead for Bob and I that are inevitable in the wake of all that comes from the death of a parent. especially one we were so intimately entwined with for the past 4 years. Our heads are spinning with all sorts of possibilities to explore. There's no clear avenue yet but there will be soon enough. We are excited! Your kind and positive thoughts are always appreciated. Thanks!

My plans to knuckle down and break the back of the necessary organisation and planning of the November tour got totally sidetracked this month although, I did spend a day designing and ordering posters for the tour. At every stage, they ask (it’s an online process) … have you checked the details to make sure you have exactly what you need and intend in the artwork. Which I thought I had - many times. Only to find, after completing the order, that I’d put the wrong date for the Isle of Man show at the Erin Arts Centre!!! Doh! It is, in fact, taking place on FRIDAY 8th November … but I managed to put it down as the 9th. (Tickets available now!) Not my finest hour. I’ve created new posters for the island now which should override my mistake but I have to admit to feeling a bit of an idiot! The posters look nice though. What do you think?

I’ll be performing a selection of songs from Children Of The Sea at Sulby Village Hall on August 9th. It’s a charity gig. I’ll be using the tracks and videos created especially for live shows which is a great opportunity to hone my technical skills and use my gorgeous PA for the first time as the main source for the sound. I’m properly excited. If you’re on the island then please do come along.

Sulby village hall August 9th
Charity show poster

Coming back to this side of July now, I can tell you we’ve had a lovely time visiting family and friends in fabulous places, from Plumtree, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Broad Hinton (near Avebury), Sandhurst (including a trip out to Runnymede) and then onto the afore-mentioned spectacular black mill in Lincolnshire. Our final family stop was to revisit Bob’s gorgeous sister-in-law in Scarborough before heading home on August 1st. Phew! That’s a lot right? Before the wedding in Plumtree, Bob and I had the luxury of a whole day to ourselves and were able to visit the gorgeous towns of Royal Leamington Spa and Warwick.  As you can see we’ve had a fab time in some wonderful places with special people we love. Life is good n’est pas?

The video below is an attempt to catch up on all the other people and places we visited over the last two weeks ... hope I haven't left anyone/anywhere out!

A couple of extra things that have recently happened for Children Of The Sea are that Dear Sister was played by Mark Radcliffe on the BBC Radio 2 Folk program (July 17th 42 minutes in;) and today I delivered a box and more of Children Of The Sea to our local Waterstones in Douglas! The lovely manger there, Quinn, has been trying to get this sorted for neasrly three months! Finally it's all come good and I'm so grateful! If you're strolling down Strand Street anytime soon you can pop in and find it ... and maybe even buy yourself (or a friend;) a copy. Thanks!.

OK, I think that’s probably it for this month - sorry I was a bit late but I’m sure you understand.

Thanks, as always, for dropping by to see how I’m faring - it matters to me. Till next time, stay well and keep rising above the turbulence.

Much love Christine xx

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  • Writer's pictureChristine Collister

Updated: Jun 24

Blogpost No6 June 2024

We’re halfway through the year! As you can imagine it's been a time of reflection for me. 2024 has been significant so far and I believe that trend will continue. By that I mean that everything, on just about every level, is up for grabs - change is in the air. This is a highly charged point in our evolution … the obvious despair and devastation around the globe can serve as a wake-up call, or we can fall into deeper, reasoned misery that only fuels the drama and give up on humanity altogether. I have high hopes, despite evidence to the contrary. I suppose I have faith. Not the faith of my childhood when I believed whatever I was told to believe but it resembles it; I can still rely on my innate innocence but I now support it with hard-won discernment. It helps me to make sense of this crazy world. Mostly I feel buoyant. And those times when I’m thrashing about trying to rise above the turbulence (when I remember) I stop, close my eyes, take a long, slow, deep breath and bring a smile to my face - for absolutely no reason whatsoever. And then I repeat the phrase that serves every moment in time: this, too, shall pass.

NO idea where that came from! Thanks for listening. I appreciate your wisdom and patience in letting me get that off my chest. Onward!

With Mum’s passing last month, there’s a lot to organise and put into action. The red tape that holds our world in a sticky bundle, needs to be sorted and sifted through. Most of it’s in place now though it will be a few months before it’s all dealt with. I’m sharing an edited version of the video reel I put together for her “wake” as there are some priceless moments captured. See for yourself:

I mostly feel good but there are days when everything’s just flat. No urgency or inspiration to do very much at all. I find myself staring into space a lot, unaware of any thoughts, just, looking out to the middle distance. Then I come back to myself and do the next, nearest thing. And the next. And so it goes.

On the days when I feel upbeat and ready for the world, I enjoy the company of good friends. I mean, I enjoy Bob’s company all the time :-) x he is my ROCK but every now and then … my gorgeous friends surround me with delight and a whole lotta love. I also swear at the cold sea as I enter its embrace and shout my thanks as I leave, feeling refreshed and once more fully alive. During TT I was invited to an amazing experience at Glen Wyllin Campsite. Fire and Ice, is run by a company called River Sea Sauna (it might have only been for TT as I can't find their website anymore?). It’s an hour-long session comprised of 15 minutes in a beautiful handcrafted gypsy-caravan-style wooden sauna, followed by 1/2/3 minutes fully immersed in an ice bath. To be honest I didn’t think I’d manage more than a few seconds in the ice but turns out I’m a natural! My lovely friend Andrene and I had four 15-minute sessions in the heat and three ice baths. A 2 minute dip followed by two X three minutes. We felt like superheroes! I will definitely be doing it again.

Our lovely neighbour Jill who now looks after Sweep, wasn’t well for a couple of weeks, so I offered to walk Sweep. What a joy! It’s impossible to be down with a dog (see what I did there?:) with his delight at simply being out in the world. It was so lovely to be reminded of the joys of walking behind a wagging tail.

The garden and greenhouse in particular have been a source of great satisfaction. Tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, garlic, courgette, strawberries, onions, French beans, broad beans and peas … it’s a riot of delicious greenery and bright splashes of colour that never fail to make my heart sing. Apart from the slugs! But I shall refrain from focussing on their shenanigans. I will explain that someone told me (and it makes sense) that “If the British Isles is the country of slugs then, the Isle of Man is their Capital!" I’m trying the effects of nettles sprinkled with eggshells. It’s worth a try.

I’m almost ready to start re-engaging in a musical sense. Children Of The Sea continues to fly out from Fled’gling Records at a steady pace and I’m about to ask local shops and places of interest on the island to stock it on their shelves. And it’s almost time to start preparations for the tour in November! It’ll be here in no time. I’ll get there soon enough. Just as a teaser here's a minute of Little Jenny Wren with the video that will accompany the live performances ... all images are from David Suff's library of beautiful art, including his fabulous contribution to Children Of The Sea - his joyous Jenny Wren. You're welcome!

I’ll just remind you for any song requests for the second half of the show when I’ll be playing a selection of songs from across my 40 year (what?!!) Career! Leave your requests on FaceBook or below in the Comments and I’ll add them to my growing list. I’m hoping to do a different set of songs each night, so let me know which gig you’ll be at to make sure I play something you’d like to hear.

There are a few posts you might like to check out from over the past few weeks … not many but a few lovely-looking scenarios: FACEBOOK

Summer Solstice was a fabulous evening with my witchy friends. Bob, bless him created a wonderful fire pit for us out in the field and miraculously the weather was perfect! There were 10 of us sitting around the fire drinking sacred cacao, sharing our hopes, letting go of our fears and howling at the moon. It was perfection.

I'll just remind those on the island July 14th that The Power Of Three have another gorgeous Day Retreat At Sulby village hall 9.45am to 4.15pm including delicious veggie food. Participants of our last one in May were blown away by the content and atmosphere created. We LOVE it! Please do consider joining us then. Here's a link to the event

It’s almost time to go inside and make dinner … another salad furnished with strawberry leaves, lettuce and herbs from the garden/greenhouse and maybe a slice of Bob’s delicious wholemeal bread … life is good! All is well all shall be well. Thanks as always for dropping by to check on what’s occurring here on the tiny isle … I so appreciate it!

Stay well till next time and remember … keep rising above the turbulence!

Much love and endless blessings!

Christine x

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