Ola gorgeous beings out there in our topsy-turvy world! How are you all holding up? I’m not bad - thanks for asking. Despite the madness we find ourselves in I’m still incredibly grateful.
Things that keep me sane? Dipping in the Irish Sea! I only started this in October (ridiculous I know!) and have managed to get into, often very cold and choppy waters, several times a week. I have, until recently, only dared go in if at least one other brave soul is with me (at a socially acceptable distance when circumstances demand it!). However during our last lockdown - a month ago - I dared myself to dip solo! And found the joys of dipping entirely alone to be exhilarating and delightfully freeing. A fabulous antidote to imposed restrictions! It has to be flat-calm for me to do it but it is a wondrous experience. It helps enormously that someone gifted me a three quarter wet-suit in December - one of the many things in my life to be grateful for!

I enjoyed the intimacy and immediacy of singing in someone’s beautiful home a few weeks ago … just before our latest (third) lockdown … I hold dear that still fresh, vivid memory of the thrill of being in close proximity to people who love music and relish the camaraderie and sheer excitement that singing together brings.
Here to attest that experience is a song from that blissful night:
I’m happy to share with you that I’ll be doing another FaceBook Live this coming Saturday (tomorrow!! Eek!) March 20th at the fun hour of 10am! My gorgeous twin granddaughters are thrilled because at that time it will be 9pm in Sydney where they live and they’ll be staying up late to watch! I hope you can make it too. Leave your slippers on and grab a cuppa, curl up- on the sofa, sit back and relax. I’m looking forward to seeing you then.
There are a number of recorded projects I’ve had the honour to be a part of coming out later this year. There is a teaser track you can listen to HERE that I perform called “The Two Trees” taken from the forth-coming album “I Am Of Ireland” Yeats in song which is due for release in June.
Well my lovelies that’s all I have to share right now. Please do encourage the music lovers in your life to take a peek a the FB Live this coming Saturday … I can imagine you all out there cheering me on!
Take care, stay well and keep rising above the turbulence!
Much love
Christine x